Managers report that most of their firings are due to their employees’ inability to get along with others.  Family members may grow so far apart that communications break down and they become alienated.  Neighbors sometimes conflict due to different living standards and codes of conduct.  College roommates may face personality and lifestyle clashes.

In truth, most people are not taught how to manage interpersonal conflicts.  Developing a better understanding of the nature of conflict and how individuals deal with conflict differently is a first step toward productive communication.

Midlands Mediation Center (MMC) can help.  MMC welcomes opportunities to partner with community organizations, agencies, and schools to provide fee-for-service trainings in Conflict Resolution, and related skills such as Productive Communication, Conflict Coaching or Mediation.  MMC offers training workshops on such CR-related topics as those listed below.

Workshops or seminars may be customized to meet the needs of the organization – from one-hour introductory sessions, to one-day or multi-day trainings.  We use an interactive style of teaching, using theory and skills-building, while incorporating role-play as time allows.

To inquire about a training tailored to your needs, contact the Executive Director at to discuss how MMC may be able to assist.  If a decision is reached to proceed with a training project, MMC will respond as appropriate with a proposed scope of services and budget for further discussion.

 Training Topics

  • Understanding/Resolving Conflict
  • Managing Difficult Emotions
  • Anger Management
  • Productive Communication
  • Mediation Skills