Midlands Mediation Center’s Introduction to Mediation training emphasizes skills necessary for anyone who wants to transform and empower by understanding and resolving conflicts, improving relationships, and strengthening families, communities, organizations, and workplaces.
Topics covered during 30 hours of classroom instruction and role plays include Dynamics of Conflict, Dispute Resolution Styles, Active Listening Skills, and the Mediation Process. This series is open to 8-16 individuals and is well-suited for business, non-profit, human resources, investigators in any entity, and law enforcement professionals. Seats are offered on a space-available, first-paid, first-served basis.
Dates for the next sessions are:
April 2024
Weekly Session: April 1-4, 2024;
Weekend Sessions begin February 3 (four (4) consecutive Saturdays)
Cost: $1,000 per person / $495.00 per volunteer
June 10-13, 2024 – Registration Deadline: June 15, 2024
Cost: $1,000 per person / $495.00 per volunteer
A limited number of scholarships are offered for a commitment to complete the observation requirement and be available to volunteer to mediate community cases in the Midlands.
Registration is open. https://midlandsmediationcenter.eventbrite.com
“I liked the high energy of the trainers, their passion, and knowledge of mediation.”
“The training was very organized, the manual helped but the trainers’ knowledge and real-life examples brought the training to life and … did a phenomenal job of keeping trainees’ attention.”
“The inviting personalities, the wealth of knowledge shared, the ability to be heard and respected (all people), the authenticity in role-playing.”
Comments from January 2020 Class Participants
To be added to our waiting list of those interested in attending a future session or for more information, call (803) 714-1176 or email exdir@midlandsmediation.org with your contact information.
Disclaimer: South Carolina Supreme Court rule states only SC Bar Attorneys can be “certified” as mediators.
This training plus the 10 hours of observations meets the standard 40-hour requirement for Mediation Training.
Previously, this series was pre-approved for (HR-General) recertification credit hours through California, GPHR, PHRi, SPHRi, PHR, and SPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.